


  Post of Avengers Age of Ultron.[Photo:movie.mtime.com]

  由迪士尼影业发行,漫威影业制作的《复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元》(Avengers: Age of Ultron) 宣布定档今年5月12日(只比北美晚11天哦)3D、IMAX 3D、中国巨幕于中国内地上映。世界最强超级英雄将再度全员集结,悉数亮相。








  The cast of Avengers have reunited for their latest film Avengers Age of Ultron.

  Three years after the first Avengers movie brought in over $1.5 billion worldwide, Iron Man, Captain America, the Hulk and Black Widow are joining forces again. This time they're battling Ultron – an artificial intelligence program created by Robert Downey Jr's Tony Stark.

  Technology has evolved so much since the first "Avengers" film that Scarlett Johansson and Mark Ruffalo, who portrays the Hulk through motion-capture, were able to act out their largely computer-generated scenes together. They couldn't three years ago.

  Scarlett Johansson on the filming process.

  "This was the first time that I had the opportunity to really work with Hulk. Because the last time when we did Avengers you really were like totally in a separate movie. This time the technology had advanced enough so that we could do the motion-capture stuff in the physical places."

  Avengers Age of Ultron is set for release next month.





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